Monday, September 17, 2012

The Thing About Lies.

Dan has told me over and over that he believes lying is the worst sin committable by humans. He talks about how undermines human society, and will be one of the possible downfalls of the human race. "How can we honestly trust anyone, when so many people lie as outrageously as they do?"

Sure, everyone lies, its an unavoidable aspect of existence, I don’t know how many times I’ve lied in my life, I’m sure its more than I’d care to admit...but there is a line I will not cross when it comes to lies. I will lie to protect friends, protect family, bury secrets that need to be buried; you know, things that you have to protect.
I don’t know what adjective to use when I see people lying to gain sympathy. Disgust, sadness, appalled; I mean, its all just ludicrous. Dealing with the aftermath of these kind of lies firsthand has really tarnished how I look at people. I especially hate it when I am personally hurt, and then someone pipes in at how they are hurt worse than I am, then turn around and show the lie of that statement. Could you imagine the pain of someone missing their parents, only to avoid them for days when both parties had plenty of time to see each other? Yeah, that’s pain....

Is there anything more loathsome than to lie to get money? People work hard for their money, green is the color of blood, sweat, and tears. Except for those that can get it by saying they need it, when they really don’t. I believe that is theft, plain and simple, Dan feels the lie is the more damning aspect. I understand people will do anything for a buck, but Dan tells a story about panhandlers that beg on the side of the road, you give them food, and they throw it back only wanting money. I couldn’t imagine taking money for bills, or a better job, and then going on vacation or partying with it instead....

Once upon a time, I was co-vice president to one of my Dad’s companies. I’m decently proud of that fact because I did that at the age of 12. My jaw always drops when I talk to someone who, I know, is a co-owner of a company, and that person talks as if they are the only owners and did all the work. You have to give credit where credit is due, because taking all the credit for a team effort goes against much of the principles my parents taught me. I’m glad of their teachings, they’ve helped me in life immensely, I just wish others could have gotten that education.

Cheating is one thing I cannot tolerate. I’ve watched these shows, where people talk about loving their wife, and yet loving their lover, I don’t get how that is possible.... I always thought it was just a tv thing, until I got to see it with my own eyes. Friends being distraught because they can’t decide, while they destroy the life they have with their indecision and deceit. Dan has an odd way of putting then, like an odd sense of humor, "Its always fun to watch someone dig their own grave." I find it hard to see the humor in someone causing such devastation across so many lives besides their own....

Lies come in so many forms, and 99% of them are horrid things that lay waste to everything good about humanity. Out of all of these examples I’ve went through, I do not know which honestly bothers me more.... But I can say this, when you find one person in particular performing all these lies, you wonder how anyone could live that way. There comes a point where your not just digging your own grave, you are digging a pit that threatens to engulf several people you claim to care about. Lies destroy, lies devastate, Dan may have it right, lies might very well be the downfall of humanity itself....


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